Monday, May 16, 2011

Kids on set!!

Thank you Dad and Terri for your generous contribution today! We are getting so close...but still over $1000 to go!

I wanted to share some pictures from Saturday when we met our new friends (co-stars from the movie we are filming) at the office to see the giant weather balloon off. Thus... "KIDS ON SET!!"
Cute co-star, huh?!
Balloon away!
A couple more plane shots.
Katy made some very bad decisions during our time with our new she ended up in the car a little early with me. Of course as soon as we started driving home, the little diva fell asleep. Not much longer, Alyssa fell asleep too. After we got home I brought them upstairs and plopped them down on the couch. 2 sleeping girls makes for a good photo op.
Especially when one wakes up and makes a Pulp Fiction pose.
Thanks again Dad and Terri for the donation!

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