Monday, May 12, 2014

Going to the Portland Zoo Zoo Zoo....

It has been much tougher than normal this year to keep up with the doubt a great problem to have.  It just so happened that my busiest time of year at work has lined up perfectly with our 39 days of fundraising.  After flying home yesterday, I was too tired to tackle the blog last night falling asleep on the couch multiple times during the afternoon and evening.  But tonight (after a couple of hundred miles on the road for work!!), I'm ready to resume!

Back on May 9th, we need to recognize two donations that helped us reach the number 2 overall family team for the Salem, OR walk!!!  Thank you 

Tom and

These two donations put us at a very impressive number for the year! Thank you for your continued love and support!!!

In blogland (if you don't know, blogland is where we continue to update you on our multiple adventures), we are still in Portland and visiting with our friends Micki, Rhett, and their amazing family.  In addition, we managed to meet up with a very important preschool teacher from Anchorage, Miss Stephanie, at the Portland Zoo!!!  This was Alyssa's favorite teacher!

Ms. Stephanie also brought her whole family that we were able to connect with.

You can just see the love.


Snake.  Hmmm.... I wonder how Lisa feels about this.

Oh yep, that's what I thought.

How do the goats feel?

Taevin brought along his spunk!
 As did Rieve!
 The polar bears were REALLY active which was a ton of fun to watch.

We managed to time a bird show (I don't know what it's really called) and find a great seat to watch all the action around us.
 What's funny is I remember pictures that my Dad took from probably before I was born at a similar type show.  Not as good as his pics but not too shabby either. 

And here's Katy riding a rhino!
 Taevin still being cute.

If you need any help in putting yourself in the right mindset, click on this link and then check out the next few pictures (after the ad).

Back to cute kids being cute.

Very cool part of the zoo where you could purchase little cups full of bird crack.  They ate it up!!!

I have a very similar picture of Alyssa looking that intently at a butterfly from our visit to the Museum of Natural History about a year ago.

Two of my favorite pics from that trip.

I felt so bad for Alyssa.  She kept trying and trying to get a picture of the penguins.  No matter how much I told her to try to step back, she just kept standing next to the glass and tried to click click click.  At least I was able to get a few pics like this of Alyssa with the penguin.

On the way out, we were all pretty tired and run down.  Some of us wanted desperately to buy a stuffed snake and when we didn't get what we wanted, we threw a royal fit.  Alyssa reacted by finding the nearest giant stuffed bear and hugging it.
 Katy had a full on break down.
 ...Which is fine.  Because when it's all said and done, she's still only 6 years old and spent the majority of the day being a very well behaved little princess.  Every princess breaks down every now and then.  Thank you Katy and Alyssa for holding it together 97% of the day!!!

And thank you Julie and Tom for your donations this year!!  May 13th is our last day to raise money.  If you haven't already, please consider donating to March of Dimes right NOW!!!  Click on the link at the top right and donate what you can.  We love you all!!!

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