This morning, some of the stresses of having premature babies started adding up. Lisa was having a hard time coping with the traveling back and forth...back and forth. There was a pep talk and maybe a few tears but we had a great nurse that really helped us focus our attention and make our noon visit very pleasant. We decided to come back at 5 and give the girls a BATH!!!! We haven't done that yet and they hadn't had a bath since their first 24 they kinda needed it and we pretty much had no idea what we were doing.
Well, we had attended a parenting class for preemies on Saturday that walked us through a bath but actually handling two little squirming, soapy girls is a whole other experience.
Maybe I should start earlier with what happened during lunch. We were both trying to focus on the girls and not our situation and Alyssa gave us something to laugh about. She, for the first time and I KNOW...not the last, spit up on me. She was cooing and making all kinds of cute noises and then....bleeehehhhhhhh!!!! Since it's never happened, I was totally unprepared and let her spew all over my shirt. Good stuff. We had to laugh then.
THEN...before we had bath time, we had to change both of their diapers. We've become pretty proficient at the diapers but were not prepared for what they had in store for us. I took my turn with Alyssa first. After wiping her down and putting a new diaper down...the second I removed the old diaper, I heard an unmistakable sound and looked down in time to see...well a very dirty diaper. So I had to start over and get another diaper and clean all over again.
THEN Lisa took her turn with Ms. Kaitlyn Marie. Kaitlyn had been saving up for this moment all day. As soon as Lisa replaced the clean diaper, Katy let it go. And then...she did it again!! We went through 5 diapers during one change! ...and these were no tiny little poopies. These were, well, not something you'd think a 4 pound baby should be able to produce. It became quite comical.
So after we were all done pooping, we stripped down and with the help of our nurse we removed all of their wires for the first time and gave them a very relaxing day at the spa. It was truly amazing. We had many moments where we had to just take it in and laugh. They were so cute.
The great news is we took some video too!!! It will have to be edited down but some lucky family and friends will get a hilarious dvd sometime soon.
So, here are my angels talking about bath time.
First, holding them all swaddled up, we wash their hair. After washing and drying the hair, we put them in the tub
One of the great things about bath time was we got to see their faces without the feeding tube for the first time since day one. It was nice to see their pretty faces.
And then what better way to spend after a nice relaxing bath then to fall asleep on Mommy and Daddy's chest. CHEST HAIR ALERT!!!!!
What a day indeed.
VERY cute! Youll have them lovin spas in NO time. Yea!!! I'm going to have two more spa girlfriends!!! See ya Wendnesday for tight pants and polar bears :)
At least they didn't poop on your THAT'S an that I can personally attest to thanks to our little pooper! Andy, I have to laugh at the fact that you're writing about poo! You were so disgusted by my Diaper Champ e-mail before the girls were born...and look at you are the Diaper Champ!
Great pics...and you are not's always nerve-wracking bathing a squirmy baby for the first time..looks like you did a fantastic job!
Fantastic, the girls will be home before you know it. I see you are still using "girl sensitive terms such as large, chubby and huge" - no wonder they threw up on you.
Andy & Lisa,
The looks on your faces in these photos tell all. You look so happy and so comfortable holding your girls. They are gorgeous and look so content. The two of you are doing a terrific job!
Tell them their Honey and Pawpaw love them, and kiss them for us.
I love the bath time pictures.
I know traveling back and forth to the hospital is very hard. I broke down several times!! You both are doing great. You are wonderful parents.
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