Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving, 4 moose, and 12.4 inches of new snow

What do these things have in common? It's the highlights from this past week.

We've been having some internet issues so I haven't been able to download any pictures until now. So let me do a quick recap of the week.

I've been working night shifts most of the week and it has been an active weather pattern. We had a couple of snow storms that dropped a couple inches each early in the week and then yesterday and today, we got another 7 inches at the house. The roads are totally covered now but not too slippery. The early season snowfalls are always the worst to drive on. At some point, I'm going to have to dig my Bronco out of the snow. I've been driving Lisa's truck for a couple of weeks now and haven't taken the time to wipe the snow off the Bronco. Yeah...that's gonna be a pain in my rear at some point.

The girls have been outside a couple times to walk on the 'moh'. They LOVE it. It will be getting real cold the next couple of days so it might be a while before they get to go out again. How cold is real cold? Depending on the cloud cover, we could go below zero at night with high temperatures only reaching the single digits.

Enough weather...Thanksgiving was GREAT! Working nightshifts and juggling babies, we weren't planning on doing anything big for dinner. Fortunately, we got a couple invites and ended up going next door to our neighbors. The girls next door (Hannah is the oldest at 11 and Andrea is 7) LOVE our girls and were happy to entertain them while the adults stuffed themselves silly. It was an awesome dinner.

Andrea took Katy back to her room and brush her hair. It was all very cute.

Katy loving on the bunny.

Last night Lisa and I were getting our dinner ready. The girls had disappeared back to what we thought was either our bedroom or their bedroom. Ended up someone (most likely me) left the bathroom door open...and this was the result. Katy was unwinding the toilet paper while Alyssa flushed the toilet over and over.

There isn't a good story about the moose. Lately, we've had quite the traffic jam of moose going through the neighborhood. No good pictures...gotta undertand we're down to only 6 hours of daylight a day. The sun rises at 9:45am and sets at 3:50pm and we're still losing almost 4 minutes a day of daylight.

I also had another funny story and a couple videos to share but ran out of time this evening before I had to leave for work. I'll get those posted Monday. Hope everyone had a great holiday. Time for Christmas decorating!!!

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