Lisa: "Fuddruckers"
I teased Lisa for wanting to go so bad...I was wrong. That was one delicious burger.
More time with family. This is the girls spending some quality time with their cousin, Tyler. Tyler was fitted for a helmet that is going to help shape his head. He didn't mind it at all...didn't slow him down one bit.
Andy: "Hey everyone, can you watch the girls for one night? Lisa and I really want to have a date night. Where'd you like to go Lisa?"
Lisa: "Babins" I know we live in a state known for the best seafood in the world but Babins is unique to Houston and was our favorite place to go. It did not disappoint. We ate and drank our hearts content. This is a before and after of Lisa's favorite drink....the Fall Off the Porch Ice Tea. MMMM, so good.
Look how happy she is.
And my choice of drink? Shiner Bock on tap....MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!
Friends, friends, friends. Time to go see all of our friends. Actually, we didn't get to see nearly enough of our friends and wasn't able to see everyone. The folks we were able to meet up with were amazing. What a blast. It reminded us why it was so hard to leave that place (besides family of course). What wonderful, wonderful people.
Back at ground zero...I mean Scott's house, the girls fell in love with Tyler's rocking chair. We are definitely going to have to get EACH one of them one of those. They could not wait to have their turn.
One more meeting with friends at...where else in Houston but a Mexican Restaurant.
Some wonderful people in this picture. I didn't realize this until afterward but after Lisa left, many of these people got different jobs and also moved to different parts of Houston. This was truly a reunion. Lisa was moved to tears when we had to say goodbye. She really does love every one of you!
A picture of me enjoying a fish bowl sized margarita. MMMMMMM again!
One last night with family. My other cousin Josh and his 31 week pregnant wife, Bethany.
Uncle Cary and Austin having fun.
Katy really got into the Olympics.
Final visit with Mammaw. Too many emotions to share here again but.... it was very hard to say goodbye. Really difficult moment for us.
So there you go! Vacation 2008 is complete. I can't say it enough but thank you everyone who put up with us during our trip. We are sincerely sorry we couldn't spend more time with...well, everyone! We love you all!
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