Thursday, April 10, 2008

A night out

Well, maybe not a full night...but we got dinner and a movie. We had our first night out in...maybe 6 months or so. I can't remember the last time we went out.

Anyway, Lisa's mom is here visiting for the girls' birthday. It also happens to be Lisa's birthday tomorrow so our Alaska family (Lisa R and Ben) took us out for the evening. It was an awesome escape.

We had Moose's Tooth (MMmmmMMMM) and saw Leatherheads (meh). We wished we could have stayed out longer but knew the girls might be looking for their bedtime feeding soon so we had to cut the night a little short. Thank you Ben and Lisa! We had a wonderful time. Can't wait to play some ping pong!!

The girls did pretty good. It was the first time someone other than one of us had put the girls to bed. From what I've gathered, it wasn't too bad at all. A good first step in us going out more often I think?!

Happy Birthday to my perfect wife!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisa, of all the people in this group picture (and I know them all) you look the most...umm, well adjusted! Happy birthday, birthday girl!!! I loved it when I was there and got to keep the girls while you and Andy went out. What a treat for the "tender"! In case you have not heard that story it's kind of cute. When Dad and I were in Utah with baby Christin, our next door neighbor wanted to be our first "tender". I had no idea what she was talking about until she explained it by saying, "can I be your, you know, baby tender?"
Here's to many, many more nights out!
Love, Mom