Monday, November 12, 2007


The family just got bigger! Our girls are no longer the youngest. At 6:30am this morning, my brother called to tell us that his second son was born a very healthy 7 pounds, 6 ounces. Alison had a relatively quick labor and after 3 good pushes, Tyler David was born at 8:17am Texas time. Scott kept everyone updated with emails from the room right up until about 15 minutes before Tyler was born. We were sleeping so the first we heard of it was an hour later when he gave us a call. The rest of the morning was spent talking in bed about when our girls were born and how happy we are for them.

I have to admit when I looked back at the several emails he had sent...from them waiting up to the first pictures of my youngest nephew, I got all teary eyed. These girls really are making me soft. It's kind of cliche to say it but I really couldn't be happier for them. We love you Scott, Alison, Austin, and Tyler! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can't wait to get these cousins together.

So here's the happy family.

Here's Austin reading Tyler everyone's favorite bedtime story, Goodnight Moon. Our girls love that one, too.

TD weighing in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces

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