Thanksgiving evening, like last year, we went next door to have dinner with our awesome neighbors. I can't remember everything we ate...but it was A LOT! Steve and Lisa provided most of the staples like the turkey, stuffing, salad, etc while we (Lisa and Eileen) made some of our favorite sides including the green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, and a couple desserts (brownies and my favorite, pumpkin pie!). So much food! ...and it was all soooo good.
Here's the setting I forgot to take a good picture of all of the food before we dug's the best I had. Playing peak-a-boo while the adults sat around and enjoyed each other's company. Sam was able to join us too after he got off work. Katy hiding behind the curtains... Our neighbor girls eating some dessert. Now for some more stuffing of faces! Then Wrigley (the dog) started getting in the action. She found the easiest targets...the girls! ...and after watching Wrigley try to lick the table, the girls thought it would be fun too. Awesome day. More pictures to come. It snowed pretty hard Friday morning and we all got outside and had a good snowball fight and made snow angels and a snowman. Today, we put up our Christmas lots more pictures to share before I leave tomorrow night for RENO!!!!
It has been a lot of fun these last two days. I have to go to work in a little bit so I wanted to post some pictures from yesterday and today real fast.
Our friends from work came over for my favorite part of Thanksgiving...BREAKFAST!! Lisa and Eileen made quiche, Jan's Breakfast, and cranberry mini-muffins. Andy and his wife, Kendra, brought over a fruit salad that was to die for and their adorable 3 month old baby, Malena. The girls LOVE Malena. They were so excited to see the baby again.
So we played and ate and played and ate. We all took turns holding the baby, even the girls. And no, this isn't giving us any ideas!! I like this one of the Dixon family and all the kids. I ran out of time so I'll have to post the rest tonight. Here's a teaser of what the girls wore to go next door for the Thanksgiving feast.
I love it that the A&M game is on Thanksgiving again! Now if we can just WIN!!!!
Here's a quick video of the girls chowing down this evening. They say "my" instead of "I". You can hear Katy say it "my want to look" at the beginning of the video.
I've gone back and forth on whether or not I should say anything and if I do, how should I go about it? I decided to just mention it because it's affecting our lives. A very close friend of ours is going through a divorce. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this and it's heartbreaking to see such a great guy go through this emotional roller coaster. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
In other news, Lisa's mom arrived a couple days ago and will be staying through Thanksgiving. First order of business, cut the girls' hair and try to get it under control. I couldn't get any good pics of the actual cut but these aren't bad. Too cold to go outside, Lisa brought some snow inside to the bathroom and the girls made a little snowman. I was impressed. It turned out really good.
I can't believe how fast time is flying. So fast that apparently it affects my ability to sit down at the computer long enough to post!
What motivated me today to post? Well, I happened to check how many hits we had yesterday and was surprised to see that we're still getting 15 hits a day. That tells me that you guys haven't given up on us even if it has been forever since my last post. Thanks. I know I say this at least once a month but I'll try...
It's a shame too because the girls are growing up so freaking fast. They are even talking like little humans. They are able to tell us what's wrong (which is SO great!) and what they want. Of course that means when they don't get what they want, things can get nasty. They are definitely well into their terrible twos but we're managing. They respond well to time-outs and a stern voice...if that doesn't work, we just put them out in the cold.
They also have quite the attitude. Last night, I asked Katy if I could lay down next to her during story time. She said very decisively "NO Daddy. Go sit by door" and pointed toward the door. Lisa laughed at me as I was a little caught off guard. So I started to ask her why she wanted me to sit way over by the door and she interrupted me and just held up her index finger (to shoosh me) and then pointed to the door again. So I sat by the door during story time. :(
One reason we haven't been posting is we haven't been taking many pictures. Since our last fishing adventure, we just haven't been doing much of anything exciting. It has been a very dry October...we finally just got our first snow Sunday night and got our second storm today. FINALLY! It's been relatively warm and kinda strange without snow on the ground.
Halloween came and went...nothing exciting. No we didn't dress them up as anything. We really struggled with our parental responsibilities during a 2 year old's Halloween...but, meh. We just didn't think it was worth the effort. But they LOVED their pumkins or as they say "pumpins". Seriously, they loved them. Their hair is getting SO long. They have never been too keen on keeping barrettes in their hair but lately, it's getting so long that they are asking for something to get it out of their face. It's still very curly. I think we have more pictures somewhere...I'll have to go through and find some. I took this video this evening to show them doing their circle dance. They do this at their dance class every week when everyone sits in a big circle and they take turns running around. They like to pretend they are at dance class and get all of their stuffed animals and blankets and whatever, put them in a circle, and then run around. Good stuff.